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Project MARemPÓ

Sustainable source of compounds for the development of commercial products for aquaculture

Project MARemPÓ!

This project aims to enhance a by-product of the production of sea salt, brine water, which until now has a commercial value.

Three products will be designed in the course of this project:

This project aims to enhance a by-product of the production of sea salt, brine water, which until now has a commercial value.
Three products will be designed in the course of this project:
Microalgae concentrate with sulfated polysaccharides
Development of an additive for animal feed
Mixture of natural salts for ex situ production of seawater
Microalgae concentrate with sulfated polysaccharides
Development of an additive for animal feed
Mixture of natural salts for ex situ production of seawater

Product Development

Immuno PhytoBloom

Microalgae concentrate with sulfated polysaccharides, with immunostimulatory activities


Food additive for aquaculture containing the polysaccharides that promote the innate immunity of fish

Mar em Pó

Powder formulation containing natural sea salts for ex situ production of seawater

Our Mission

Valorization of a by-product of the production of sea salt, strengthening the Circular Economy


Project Coordinator

Necton S.A.

Project Coordinator

Alexandre Rodrigues

Necton S.A.

You can contact us by email or through social media